Monday, March 31, 2008

Fund raising status update

Today at SeatoSea they posted reciepts adding up to $6,068 toward our goal of $30,000. For all riders they show $325,000 as received to date. Thanks organizations and individuals providing support for the poverty reduction. God is blessing fund raising efforts.

SeatoSea says the media roll out should come in a few weeks, with warmer weather.

BENEFIT CONCERT: May 11 at 8 pm, Third CRC on Winchell in Kalamzoo, put on by high school students. Hope you and your friends can join us. Thanks Third and student performers!

SUMMER DAY CAMP: Sounds like we will be participating in Twin Lake's day camp on Jun 16 to 22, and may be stated as their fund raising cause. Mark has been a counselor several times. Maybe Eric can this year will help with recreation. Joel may be a junior couselor, John a day camper, and Sherry a helper. The camp theme is Growing Good Fruit! Pray God blesses their planning, those taking on leadership and support roles; and Dawn especially with the challenges she has and as camp director. Thanks Twin Lakes!

We have our street bikes now and some accessories. We hope the weather allows us to get out on them more and more for conditioning.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Training Begins

We have not done much biking this week, rather bike shopping and fund raising. Trying to schedule some concert fund raising events.

So, today we need to get in some miles since we are all together for Easter weekend :) :) :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tee shirts and wrist bands

Mark, Larry and Sherry printed tee shirts at school this evening, a little over 100, to raise funds to meet our pledge.

Also, we bought 100 wrist bands from Sea to Sea to resale.

$10 for tee shirts and $4 for wrist bands, plus shipping, if you would like one. Order them by email to us at

Donations to Sea to Sea are coming in. A sincere thank you to those contribution. Positive contacts continue. Hoping to be invited to some more churches or organizations to speak.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Support encouragement

We are working on fund raising. Tee shirt printing is resuming Friday.

Some positive feed back (for example: T says "We'll be glad to help out with this very worthy trip. I'll approve this and ... get it to you. I am sure you will have many stories when you get back, I'll need to come down and listen to some of them. Have a great trip !!").

Larry got two rides in, 22 miles Tuesday with wind and 17 miles Wednesday with hills.

Monday, March 10, 2008

2008-03-09 first post

Took my fourth conditioning ride. For a challenge I took the hills on F, 6th by Alamo, Winding Way, and old Douglas. Felt good trying to learn to spin at a steady rate. About 12 deer crossed. Spring is in the air. About 30F.

Mark spoke at 2nd CRC AM, offering pm. Many positive contacts.

Looking to get tee shirts we purchased printed (about 100) and get braclets from headquarters.

Good news - chamber and school doing articles.

"Cycling to reduce the cycle of poverty"