Thursday, July 3, 2008

Leavensworth to Ellensburg

We woke up this morning early to get a jump start on our second major mountain climb of the week. Oatmeal and muffins supplied us with our energy for the hills. We traveled briefly through a construction zone and then began our ascent. Ponderosa pines and tall rock formations covered in folaiged lined the roads. The route we traveled was through Blewett Pass, 3000ft, and then did another 1000ft climb. The downhills were much appreciated since the temperature rose above 100 degrees.
We're coping with the heat by drinking plenty of water and stopping for slushies at a gas station near camp. At camp tonight we ate supper and then attended our daily peleton meeting and small group. At the peleton meeting we talked about the day, heard who had flats, who fell, how many trucks honked at us, etc. At small group we talked about having the freedom to bike. Christ gives us the liberty to serve him and go our own direction in him. We're not confined to our sinful nature, but can choose our own route. Each day we have a short devotional relating to bike riding.
Tomorrow's route is downhill. Hopefully we can recover from our aches and pains from the mountains. Thanks for all the prayers and support. We're meeting tons of new people and are hearing their stories. Many miracles large and small are in those stories.
We'll keep pedeling out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry, Eric & Mark:

Thanks for the updates - the gps device has not updated since about 12 miles outside of Ellensburg and all day today we were checking the progress and could only assume the cyclists decided to stay in the Air conditioned school because the gps has you still in Ellensburg. Blessings on your continued journey - I hated to leave all the cyclists in Seattle but enjoy reading the blogs each night. Thank you!

Al Vander Hart