Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday, July 27

Today we rode a total of 4 miles to and from Denver Christian High School to Englewood Christian School for the celebration service. At the celebration service we all celebrated communion together in the football stands in the hot, sunny weather. After the celebration service the local churches who put on the service hosted a sloppy joe, watermelon, chip, and homemade cookie lunch. Loving those homemade cookies. Thanks.
This afternoon a bunch of us went downtown Denver. We walked through the downtown mall area, visited a catholic cathedral to take a peak inside, rode an old time bike with the huge wheel in the front and a tiny wheel in the bike, listened to street performers, etc. Downtown Denver kept us busy for the afternoon. While we were downtown my dad was doing laundry for several people including us at a locals house who he met at the celebration service and offered up their washer and dryer. A big thanks to my dad for doing laundry and to the people who let us borrow their washer and dryer. It will be so nice to have actual clean laundry verses just sink or shower washed laundry.
This evening the churches hosted dinner for us. The kitchen staff was so excited for the break and they deserved it. 15 new people hopped onto the tour and 15 people left. Hopefully they feel welcome and confident as they begin their adventure.
Mark got a haircut today and was mistaken as a new rider in camp. Mark really appreciated the trim. He had been growing out his hair for quite awhile so a friend who went to cosmetology school out here could cut his hair in a professional manner. Thanks Bri! Good to see yah and say hi to the family.
Looking forward to a new week. We are headed out of the mountians now and into the plain states. May the wind be at our backs otherwise the flats may feel like the mountains.


seatoseastehouwers said...

Dad says - it was hard to find Mark because of the new clean cut look. I wanted to introduce him to Troy and Jill, my afternoon host and laundry site. Thanks Bri!

crbacon said...

Great to read your blogs. Am on just about evedry night and look forward to your day's activites. Keep up the great work. Am praying with you. I you meet Don Brunsting that is my wife's brother

in His Service,
Curtis Bacon
Three Rivers CRC