Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So pretty much I just lost the blog that i typed up for the day b/c we lost internet connection. So here is a summary...

last night:
bonfire with Peter's friends by Redeemer College at his friends' house
sight seeing from the Niagara Escartment at 11:30 pm at night
Thanks so much Peter.

Wake up at 6:40 am and decide to rush into camp today to go to a Toronto Blue Jay's game in the Roger Centre or Skydome.
Thanks to Brad and his family for taking us to the game, serving us dinner, and putting us up for the night

We have been so blessed on this tour. Blessed to be a blessing, eh. As one man who opened up his pool to us said, "You cannot out give God."

Last week ahead. It will be hard to say goodbye to friends made, maybe we can have a reunion in like 5 years and do it all again. Just kidding.

Well there was more detail and reflection but that was the just off what i lost typing up in the last 45 minutes or so. Wow has Canada blown us away with supporters cheering along the road, snack stops, etc. Thanks. I don't know how to show my appreciation other than enjoy the hospitality and say thanks and God bless.

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